What is a Care Manager?

A Care Manager is a qualified health and human services professional who has specialized knowledge and experience related to health care, aging and disability issues. A Care Manager can be a social worker, nurse, gerontologist, or person from a closely related discipline who can assess an individual's needs and assist the client in maximizing their full potential and maintaining their health, safety and independence. A Care Manager is an experienced guide and support to families who are trying to manage a loved one's care from a distance. Care Managers are expert problem-solvers who find and coordinate the services and resources you need.

Senior Care Connections' Care Managers assist in coordinating a wide variety of services.
The range of in-home services coordinated by our care manager include home health or companion services, home physician services, home delivered medications, grocery or meal delivery services, personal emergency response systems, medication reminder systems, transportation, respite care, adult day care and much more.

If appropriate, your care manager will facilitate a move to a senior apartment, assisted living facility or nursing home, depending on your unique needs.

Your care manager will act as your advocate, negotiating the complex medical and social service systems on your behalf. In addition, your care manager will guide you and your family through future care planning issues, ensuring that you understand all of your care options and their associated costs.


Senior Care Connections, LLC
8803 Brecksville Road, Suite 7-162, Brecksville, OH 44141
30799 Pinetree Road, Suite 152, Pepper Pike, OH 44124
(216) 901-6705 • (216) 642-5728 Fax


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